Monday, April 9, 2012

Two Wonderful Grandmothers

When the doctor said I could go home from the hospital, I honestly wasn't sure if I was ready or not.  Obviously I wanted to be at home in my own bed, but I didn't have much strength.  I had not even walked the halls of the hospital my entire 6 day stay due to all of the complications I had.  Ready or not though I went home that Saturday, March 31st. On Sunday Jason didn't go to church to preach.  Thankfully he stayed home with me that morning.  The rest of the week he returned to work.  If it had not been for my mother-in-law, Carolyn, I don't know what we would have done.  She stayed with the baby and me during the day.  

She cleaned, did laundry, washed dishes, helped take care of Maverick, and picked up Rocco from school each day. For two weeks our church provided supper for us, which was such a blessing. All of this kindness from friends and family really allowed me to just rest and recover.  Once I had been home a week, we received a special visit from my mom.  She lives out of town and has a lot of responsibility on her.  She's currently taking care of her parents, my grandparents, and is not able to get away very much.  Having her at our house for a couple of days was a real treat!
 Mimi sure looks proud in these pictures.  She enjoyed every moment getting to love on her two boys.
 My mom helped us out by driving Maverick and me to my first doctor's visit since the delivery.  Jason met us there.  Praise the Lord I got a great report from the doctor.  My blood pressure was excellent, and my hemoglobin was back up.  It's just a miracle from Jesus how my body has recovered since my hospital stay. Everything looked great.  Here's my doctor.  I just love this man.  He delivered Maverick, and he dropped everything and ran to my side to help me during the trauma after the delivery.  Dr. D. is a Christian man, and I'm blessed to have him as my doctor.

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