Friday, April 6, 2012

I'll Take You For a Ride on My Big Green Tractor

What is my husband doing? 

Yes, he is a little crazy.  He's strapping the car seat inside the tractor.  And there they go...

 Our son is not even two weeks old and he's going on his first tractor ride with his daddy.

I thought this was pretty sweet of Jason to get some father-son time in.  And Maverick loved it!  He fell asleep on the ride.  Rocco is such a mama's boy, and he seldom likes to go outside and work with daddy.  He'd rather be inside playing Mario on the Wii.  .  .  so daddy may have just found his new farm hand.  Looks like the littlest peanut might be the one who likes hanging outside.  For Jason's sake I hope he at least likes to cut the grass.  ;)

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