Friday, April 20, 2012

Super Reader

Rocco reached a really big goal today.  He earned his tags for reading library books and passing tests on them.  Each book is about half of a point at his level because they are beginner books.  He can only take one test a week.  We've been reading for months, and today he finally reached 10 points.  

Out of the 40 or so kindergartners at his school, I would say less than 10 reach this goal all year long.  Well, Rocco met this goal and he's still reading.  His picture was taken and placed on the big bulletin board in front of the school. 

Big man was so proud when nana brought him home today.  He had me close my eyes and told me that he had a surprise.  When I opened my eyes he showed me the tags.  Way to go Rocco!  We are so blessed to have a Super Reader in the house!!


  1. I am so proud of our Super Reader! Rocco, you are amazing and I love you so very much!

  2. I love the newborn photos.

    GREAT job Rocco- I'm sure he'll enjoy reading at the library this summer too. When yall get your discovery passes, we'll have to meet up for some summer fun again.
    Love ya- Heather
