Tuesday, April 3, 2012

First Doctor's Visit

 We came home from the hospital on Saturday, March 31.  On Tuesday, April 3, I was finally able to give Maverick a bath.  At the hospital the nursery took care of that, and when we came home I was still feeling weak.  It was a real treat to finally take care of my baby!  Rocco and I enjoyed it; Maverick screamed.  He's not very fond of being undressed and wet.  He is such a snuggly thing...his daddy spoiled him in the hospital.

Once he was all clean, Carolyn helped me load both of the boys into the car for a doctor's visit.  It was an early appointment so Rocco didn't go to school that morning.  It had only been a week since my C-section, so I couldn't drive.  Carolyn drove my Honda, and Jason met us at the doctor's office.  This was little man's first trip somewhere.

Rocco's check-up came first.  He just turned six.  He measured 3 1/2 feet tall and 33 pounds.  Thankfully all was well, and he didn't need any shots!  The doctor said he won't need any until his is 11.  Great news for our big guy!

Maverick's checkup was next.  He had already gained back to his original birth weight of 9 lbs 6 oz.  He gained an inch in height.  He was now 22 in long.  What a big boy.  All checked out well with him.  We are so blessed to have two healthy boys!  

After the appointments, we went downstairs and ate at Subway.  Then, Carolyn and I took Rocco to school.  When he got there his classmates were coming up to him with excitement. They were so glad to see him.   They just love Rocco.  Who wouldn't?

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