Monday, April 30, 2012

Six Years and One Month Old

Little man has now become the big brother, and he is so loving!  Each day when he comes home from school the first thing he does is find his brother and kiss on his head.  I make him go wash his hands and change his shirt before he gives too much loving.  He doesn't really like this part; he'd rather go straight to loving on his brother.

Rocco really likes playing video games on the Wii.  He plays Super Mario Brothers, Mario baseball, and Mario kart.  Recently he's started acting like Donkey Kong by beating on his chest and copying the Hoo-Hoo-Hoo sound of him.  His newest toy is a Nintendo DS.  We've been playing Mario Brothers on it, too.

He says some funny things sometimes that just crack me up.  Right after Maverick was born he said with much surprise, "He doesn't have any teeth!"  He honestly had no idea that babies were born without them.  "We won't have to brush his teeth because he doesn't have any!" was his conclusion.

And speaking of Maverick, the other day he had some gas.  He let out the loudest poot...just let it rip.  Rocco looked at him on the couch and then said to me, "Mommy, the problem is just that he doesn't have any manners!"

The other day I got a text that I needed to respond to, but at the time I was playing Mario with Rocco.  We were trying to beat the dragon and save the princess.  As I began to type words on my phone, he said with frustration, "Mom, this is not the time to be texting!"

Another funny comment he said while on our trip to the mountains made me crack up.  We were just driving around the outlet mall.  Jason and I kept pointing out the stores that we wanted to go in.  Rocco had been listening in the back seat.  Then, he piped in and said something that made him sound like a grumpy, old man.  "Well, if y'all are going to all those places I'm just going to stay in the car."

As we're going down the road or even when we're just in the house I'll often change my voice to talk like a pretend character we've made up.  His name is Johnny.  He stutters and can't tell time.  I've used him to make Rocco laugh as I've taught him about hours and minutes on a clock.  Johnny thinks it is 13 o'clock or five sixty.  "No, Johnny,"  I say.  There's no such thing. Rocco laughs and laughs when Johnny comes around.

This is Rocco's third year playing tee ball.  He's had a couple of practices; Jason is his head coach.  Games start in May.  He really likes playing.  When Carolyn watches Maverick, Jason or I will go outside to practice pitching and throwing with him.  Compared to last year he has more strength when hitting the ball, can hit is when pitched vs. just batting off the tee, and he runs faster.  He just keeps on growing up!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are using the blue chair/white onesy for both boys. It is such a cute way to keep track of progress.
