Thursday, April 26, 2012

One Month Old

Maverick is now one month old.  Once we got home from the hospital we began to try to get to a new normal.  I admit it was fun being a stay at home mommy (even though most of this month I had to take it easy as I recovered from my C-section).  Carolyn stayed at our house a lot during the week days to help while Jason was at work.  I looked forward to 3:30 pm each day because that's when she would bring Rocco home. Then, both of my boys were with me.  

I'm going to try to take Maverick's monthly pictures in the blue chair with him wearing a white onesie just like I have done with Rocco's growth.  Here is the latest on baby Maverick.

When we returned to the doctor for a 4 week old check up, he was 11 lbs. 8.2 oz and 24 inches.  He had grown 3 inches since his birth.  On the growth scale, he was above the 95th percentile for his height.  His head circumference measured 39 cm, putting him somewhere in the 50 to 75th percentile for his head size.  

If he isn't in one of our arms getting spoiled, he's laying on his boppy pillow, in his swing, or on his play gym having tummy time.  He is such a strong baby; he holds his head up while on his stomach and turns it a little.  Of course this is just for a few seconds; still we're impressed with his strength.  

I love the fact that Maverick has the same bed and nursery bedding as Rocco did.  Here are our two boys spending some time together in the crib.  Rocco still sleeps with us, and Maverick sleeps in his pack and play.  We just use the crib when I'm cleaning or working in the nursery.  

At just a month old, Maverick's arms flail around a lot.  He doesn't really have much control over his movements yet.  When Rocco gets close to him, Maverick with hit him unknowingly with his hands.  Rocco acts like he's getting karate chopped.  For this reason we call Maverick the "littlest Samurai."

Other than the doctor's office we haven't taken him out of the house much.  For spring break, however, we took a trip to Pigeon Forge in Tennessee.  This was his first vacation.  He did great on the long drive there (about 3 hours).  He slept the entire way.  What a little champ!  On our four day trip, Jason and I took turns doing things with Rocco while the other one held the baby or just stayed back in the condo.  Here we are at putt putt golf.  He did good in the stroller until about hole 15.  
 Once we got to the 16th hole we had to golf like this...taking turns holding him.

Other events this month...
1)  His umbilical cord stump fell off 3 weeks after his birth.
2)  We can tell he is gaining a sense of trust in us because he quiets down when he hears our voice trying to sooth him. Sometimes we'll put him in the swing for a while and he'll began to cry; as we go to pick him up he stops crying as much.
3)  When we place our fingers in his hand, he grips it very tightly.
4)  He does NOT like getting a bath.  Once we got home from the hospital, Jason gave him his first wash down.  He screamed.  I've given him all of his baths since then, and he continues to scream like a girl.  He gets so mad when he gets wet that his face turns red.  To be such a little baby he sure can pitch a fit.  

He's not even submersed in the water and he's partially covered with a towel.  It doesn't matter, though.  Getting wet and cold makes him mad as rips!
5)  His vision is not well developed just yet since he is a newborn, but the other day he focused on a little red monkey toy that vibrates.  The sound of it scared him at first and he cried, but later he just looked at it and studied it.
6) Maverick and mommy are getting the nursing thing down pat.  It's been a learning process for both of us. He usually feeds every 2 to 3 hours and takes two to three ounces. I am so thankful that God has given me the ability to nurse him.  At one point in the hospital I wondered if I would be able to because of all of my health complications.  I am so thankful that Maverick is pretty much off all formula at this point.

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