Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Seven Years Two Months Old

Rocco is doing some sort of karate chop in this month's picture.  He loves to pretend fight.  Give him a sword, play knife, or toy guns and he can entertain himself for a while. But usually before he can play for a long time his little brother will come along and get right in the middle of it.  That's why Rocco has two bunkers where he keeps his toys, candy, and gum.  One is at the bottom of our steps and the other is beside the fire place in the living room.  So far, Maverick can't get over the furniture that is blocking it. When he learns how to... it is all over!

 This month Rocco finished up school.  Here is a picture of his first grade classmates.  This picture was taken on Awards Day.  Below is a picture of him with his teacher, Mrs. Ashworth.  I was so proud of him this year (as I always am).  He received the Citizenship Award.  Meg Kapustay got the girl Citizenship Award.  This was special because the students voted on it.  I was especially proud of him for his reading accomplishments.  Most of the library books that he checked out were worth just half a point if he passed the test on it.  By the end of the year we decided that if he got 20 points he could have anything (within reason) that he wanted.  He earned double what we had set for him....40.9 POINTS!  We bought him a new Nintendo DS Mario game for his accomplishments.  Most students had 15 or so points by the end of the year.  Only one other student had more AR points than him in his class. 

 On the last week of school, his class and the other first grade class went to the park downtown for a picnic and some water fun.  I love this picture of him because of the pure happiness on his face.  He was involved in a water gun fight with his friends. I was off this day and was able to hang out for a little while with him.  I took Maverick, too.  That was the good thing about working part time!

 School wasn't the only thing we wrapped up this month.  Coach pitch baseball is now over.  They had a great season!  Here is Rocco with his teammates and coaches.

Rocco, Maverick, and I went up to see my family during our spring break in May.  We had a blast at Sir Gooney's.  Look at our faces...we were the only ones on the course that day.  Mimi went with us and enjoyed herself, too.  
 After the four of us golfed, the boys rode in one of the quarter machines.  It's amazing how much fun 25 cents provided that day!

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