Saturday, May 4, 2013

Seven Years and One Month Old

Rocco has been in a size 11 shoes, but he just got some new Asics size 12.  He was so proud of those shoes that he dreamed about his best friend, Will, and himself.  In the dream he was wearing his tennis shoes.  They Velcro - he hasn't yet learned how to tie laces.  We need to work on that. 

One thing he doesn't need to work on is being cool.  He's got that part down!
 Sometimes he cracks he me up with the things he says.  Noticing yet another toy was made in China, he said, "Mommy, those China people are good makers."  And one night before going to bed he said, "Mommy, I want you to be my wife because I just love you so much!"  Now that did something to my heart that I still can't explain in words.

He is the most ticklish boy I've ever seen.  Even when I kiss his forehead he just laughs and says, "Mommy, that tickles my brain!"

This is his fourth year playing ball.  His best friends, Will and Hunter, are on his team.  Here he is below with Will and his brother, Weston.

The other day we took the boat out for a ride.  He enjoyed it so much.. . so long as daddy didn't go too fast.  He is cautious like his mama.
 Rocco is so smart in reading and math.  He has earned over 35 AR points.  His daddy set a yearly goal for 20 points, but he has surpassed it.  And in math you can ask him to add ten or take away ten to any number under 101 and he will tell you.  He is the BEST writer in all of first grade.  He prides himself in the fact that he fills up an entire page every time he writes.

With a little brother around, Rocco has come up with a neat idea of how to keep his toys from being taken away.  He puts them in a "bunker" that is barricaded.  Just look at his swords, gun, and shield!  Maverick can't get to them!


  1. Rocco is one cool dude! I love everything about him! :-)

  2. You have some good looking boys there! Hope you had a fantastic Mother's Day!
    Love you-
