Friday, May 31, 2013

New Glasses

I can't believe my little boy is growing up so fast.  He recently got glasses!  And he looks so intellectual and handsome in them!

Rocco had complained a couple of times that he couldn't see so well in class or in the car.  When school was out, I took him to my eye doctor.  Sure enough he had an astigmatism...just like me.  He couldn't see things very well if they were far away.  It was his first eye exam, and he was a champ!

  Now Maverick...well I chased him around the office and finally took him out so that Rocco could finish with his exam.  He looked through the machine and read the letters on the screen.  His eyes were dilated.  After the doctor told us he needed glasses, we began picking out frames.  That was the fun part.  We decided on some green and black frames that were Nike brand.  He left there excited and feeling like a million bucks!

 We'll see how well he likes them when he realizes this is a permanent thing and the new wears off.  I do know that he did well a few hours later playing with his brother and the Cox boys...all while wearing his new glasses.

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