Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Six Months Old

Six months old.  That's half a year.  How is it that they grow up so fast?  Maverick is so healthy, and we are grateful to God for blessing our lives with him.  Here's what's going on with little man at 6 months old.

He has tried other baby foods, stage 1 Gerber, and seems to like most of them.  He just enjoys eating.  Green beans and peas (9-19-12) were not his favorite; he really enjoyed the bananas (9-2-12) and squash (9-6-12) though.  I know he's finished when he starts spitting.  Yeah that's a new thing.  He also spits when he gets mad, too. 

We've found that he indeed has several tickle spots.  We love to hear him chuckle when we tickle him.  

He still can't sit up on his own, but he is getting stronger and not far from it.  As soon as I let go he'll start to fall over.  Rocco gets a kick out of this.  The boys still take baths together sometimes.  I use the Bumbo seat to help hold him up, but we can't let go of him at all.  The seat is not sturdy or made for the bath.  Then again he's too big for his baby bathtub.  He enjoys the Bumbo seat.  When given his toys he'll drop them and then look down for them.  You give them back to him and he'll just keep dropping them. 

Everything he can find goes straight into his mouth.  And he's just started crawling.  I've never seen him move so fast across the carpet as when I put my coupons out.  He loves the crinkling sound they make.  In no time he was all over my money saving papers.  "No, Maverick!"  I have a feeling I'll be saying that a lot now that he is more mobile.  

At first when he tried to move around the floor, he would just roll to get to whatever toy he wanted.  Then, he began this sort of shoulder crawl.  It reminded me of how a soldier might maneuver on the ground.  Now he actually uses his feet to push off of the floor in addition to using his arms.  Sometimes he doesn't make it that far, but his bottom will stick way up in the air.  The first time I really saw him actually crawl was 9-15-12.  Rocco and I were playing golf in the hallway of our house, and Maverick was going after a bigger toy ball we had for him.  I quickly ran to get the video recorder.  

His nutrition has changed just a little.  He continues to drink breast milk (more ounces now - takes 5 to fill him up instead of 3), but he usually gets some Gerber rice cereal mixed with breast milk once a day AND one vegetable or fruit as well.  He's a growing boy!

Peek-a-boo is a new favorite.  I'll say, "Bye bye!" in a high voice.  Then I go out of his sight for a few seconds.  When I jump back up and yell, "Boo!" he just laughs or grins.  

One of the benefits of being a stay at home mom is that I get to read to my little boy during the day while Rocco is at school.  Maverick loves it.  He really enjoys being read to, but he thinks he has to eat the book.  We're working on that part.  
I continue to cut coupons to help out with our budget.  Now that I'm part time, my check will soon be half of what it was.  At a consignment I found a bouncy seat that you hang from the doorway.  We put Maverick in it, and he loved it.  He doesn't really understand that he can use his legs to bounce up and down in it just yet; he thinks it is a swing because his big brother pushes him in it.  How fun!

And speaking of big brother, look who gives Maverick tons of love and kisses each day. 

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