Saturday, September 29, 2012

6 Years 6 Months

We are so blessed to have this smart, handsome little guy as our son.  I love him so much, and he brings so much joy to our lives.  Here's the latest with Rocco at 6 and a half years old.

At school they are working on sight words.  They're called the Fry Words.  Being a teacher at the school, I had access to the entire list for all grades.  I tested him one night with a Power Point I had.  He knew 98 out of 100 of the kindergarten words.  He had forgotten two of them from last year.  When it came to the first grade list, he either knew or decoded 90 of 100.  These are words that he should know by the END of first grade and he's only in the first month of it!
 Rocco lost his top, front right tooth Sept 7th.  Just a few days later he lost the tooth right next to it.  This made for a rather large gap in his teeth.  By fall break (the end of the month- see picture above) one of his adult teeth was coming in.  The tooth fairy brought $2 for each tooth.  I pulled both of them out.  He let me pull the big front tooth out because I told him he didn't have to take a nap if it came out.  Even though he takes them he does NOT like to nap.  He says they're boring.

One day after school, we brought Weston and Will over.  They played for a few hours until their mom, Janna, got off of work.  They played war in the dark basement with soft plastic balls and pop up tents/ tunnels as bunkers.  They also came upstairs and played the Wii.  It was a beautiful day so they also played outside on the swingset and on the scooter/hot wheels. I played with them the best I could; I had Maverick.  Four boys are a LOT of work...but very fun!

Rocco is all about football, and especially the GA Bulldogs.  His aunt Ta bought him this 34 jersey.  He wore it and the sweat band proudly the next day to school.  When he comes home from school he'll say, "Mom turn the tv to college football."  While it is on he will get his football and run back and forth across the living room floor pretending that he's in the game.  Other times he'll get his little football guys and play with 2 of them on the chair.  On college game day, he'll stay in the living room while his daddy watches the Dawgs.  They'll talk guy talk.  He's really learned the lingo.  He's quick to boo South Carolina, Tennessee, LSU, or any other team that is not Georgia.

Little man has a fun sense of humor.  At night I usually ask him what two people he wants to pray for.  The other night he told me, "Nobody and Somebody."  So I prayed God would bless Somebody and help Nobody.  He thought that was a pretty funny play on words.  He's a mess.  

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