Thursday, September 6, 2012

6 Years 5 Months old

First grade is well underway, and Rocco is loving it.  His teacher, Mrs. Ashworth, is a sweet and young teacher.  She has assigned Rocco to be the cubby cleaner, which means he has to make sure everyone's cubby stays organized and clean.  One day his class was lined up in the hall.  Most of the students were eating their afternoon snacks.  When I didn't see Rocco, I took a peek inside his classroom.  He was wiping down the legs of the tables down with a Clorox wipe.  He really takes his cleaning job seriously.  Mrs. Ashworth said if any student's cubby is disorganized, he calls them over to take care of their mess.  

Now that Rocco is in first grade, we thought it was a good time for him to begin sleeping in his own bed.  August 7th, the night before school began, I put him in his bedroom.  He slept there for part of the night and joined us about 3 in the morning.  After several nights of this routine, he realized that we'd let him come back in the bed with us once he woke up.  Smart little fella' laid down one night and only slept for 5 minutes.  He got up and came into our bedroom.  "I woke up, mommy," he said.  I let him get in the bed with me- after all I had missed cuddling with him.  I later explained to him that he had to really be asleep before he could wake up and come in our room.  Before he goes to bed each night, he wants to know, "When are you coming to bed?"  His new thing is this.  He'll say, "Mommy, listen to my rules and obey them.  Finish what you are doing, put Maverick to sleep, then come lay down with me, THEN you can go to your bed." 

His front right tooth is loose.  It's just a matter of time before it comes out.  It will probably be sooner than later since I, his mom, work on it a little each day.  

Rocco says that his girlfriend is Riley.  This is the same girl that WAS his girlfriend for part of kindergarten.  Her other boyfriends are in another classroom this year.  Looks like Rocco has her all to himself - maybe until recess when all 1st graders go outside??  Her loss if she chooses other boys.  It's obvious Rocco is the cutest boy in his grade.  

On his progress report he scored the highest grades in math, reading, and spelling.  He also did excellent on his conduct.  Speaking of conduct, he has received no minuses.  And he's earned several dots.  Mrs. Ashworth gives out dots to students when they are doing something extra good.  One day Rocco came home and told his nana that he had 3 dots.  With a little disgust and confusion, he told her, "Well, I don't know how Hunter has 4!"  (as if he should have the most--cracked us up when we heard this).
Art is probably his least favorite class to go to.  He never has really liked to color or paint.  He'd rather be running in PE.  
One thing we are working on is his pitch.  He has the sweetest little voice, and I love to hear him sing.  He doesn't hit each note on pitch (most kids probably don't).  We have fun doing the do-re-me thing.  In kids' choir on Sunday night he's learning old hymns.  This month is "Nothing But the Blood". 
Rocco continues to be the best big brother, helping in every way (except for changing diapers).  He constantly loves and kisses on Maverick.  He truly has the most tender, loving heart of any little boy I know.  

The other day we got the ol' Thomas the Train toys.  He put on his conductor hat and rolled the engines over the tracks.  This was fun because I thought he had long since gotten too big for them.  I guess having a little brother around brings out the little kid in you.  

1 comment:

  1. My little Sweetheart is growing up, but will always make my heart go flip-flop! He is such a blessing to me. God is so good.

    I think having two sons is bringing out the kid in Daddy, too! :-)
