Saturday, September 29, 2012

6 Years 6 Months

We are so blessed to have this smart, handsome little guy as our son.  I love him so much, and he brings so much joy to our lives.  Here's the latest with Rocco at 6 and a half years old.

At school they are working on sight words.  They're called the Fry Words.  Being a teacher at the school, I had access to the entire list for all grades.  I tested him one night with a Power Point I had.  He knew 98 out of 100 of the kindergarten words.  He had forgotten two of them from last year.  When it came to the first grade list, he either knew or decoded 90 of 100.  These are words that he should know by the END of first grade and he's only in the first month of it!
 Rocco lost his top, front right tooth Sept 7th.  Just a few days later he lost the tooth right next to it.  This made for a rather large gap in his teeth.  By fall break (the end of the month- see picture above) one of his adult teeth was coming in.  The tooth fairy brought $2 for each tooth.  I pulled both of them out.  He let me pull the big front tooth out because I told him he didn't have to take a nap if it came out.  Even though he takes them he does NOT like to nap.  He says they're boring.

One day after school, we brought Weston and Will over.  They played for a few hours until their mom, Janna, got off of work.  They played war in the dark basement with soft plastic balls and pop up tents/ tunnels as bunkers.  They also came upstairs and played the Wii.  It was a beautiful day so they also played outside on the swingset and on the scooter/hot wheels. I played with them the best I could; I had Maverick.  Four boys are a LOT of work...but very fun!

Rocco is all about football, and especially the GA Bulldogs.  His aunt Ta bought him this 34 jersey.  He wore it and the sweat band proudly the next day to school.  When he comes home from school he'll say, "Mom turn the tv to college football."  While it is on he will get his football and run back and forth across the living room floor pretending that he's in the game.  Other times he'll get his little football guys and play with 2 of them on the chair.  On college game day, he'll stay in the living room while his daddy watches the Dawgs.  They'll talk guy talk.  He's really learned the lingo.  He's quick to boo South Carolina, Tennessee, LSU, or any other team that is not Georgia.

Little man has a fun sense of humor.  At night I usually ask him what two people he wants to pray for.  The other night he told me, "Nobody and Somebody."  So I prayed God would bless Somebody and help Nobody.  He thought that was a pretty funny play on words.  He's a mess.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Six Months Old

Six months old.  That's half a year.  How is it that they grow up so fast?  Maverick is so healthy, and we are grateful to God for blessing our lives with him.  Here's what's going on with little man at 6 months old.

He has tried other baby foods, stage 1 Gerber, and seems to like most of them.  He just enjoys eating.  Green beans and peas (9-19-12) were not his favorite; he really enjoyed the bananas (9-2-12) and squash (9-6-12) though.  I know he's finished when he starts spitting.  Yeah that's a new thing.  He also spits when he gets mad, too. 

We've found that he indeed has several tickle spots.  We love to hear him chuckle when we tickle him.  

He still can't sit up on his own, but he is getting stronger and not far from it.  As soon as I let go he'll start to fall over.  Rocco gets a kick out of this.  The boys still take baths together sometimes.  I use the Bumbo seat to help hold him up, but we can't let go of him at all.  The seat is not sturdy or made for the bath.  Then again he's too big for his baby bathtub.  He enjoys the Bumbo seat.  When given his toys he'll drop them and then look down for them.  You give them back to him and he'll just keep dropping them. 

Everything he can find goes straight into his mouth.  And he's just started crawling.  I've never seen him move so fast across the carpet as when I put my coupons out.  He loves the crinkling sound they make.  In no time he was all over my money saving papers.  "No, Maverick!"  I have a feeling I'll be saying that a lot now that he is more mobile.  

At first when he tried to move around the floor, he would just roll to get to whatever toy he wanted.  Then, he began this sort of shoulder crawl.  It reminded me of how a soldier might maneuver on the ground.  Now he actually uses his feet to push off of the floor in addition to using his arms.  Sometimes he doesn't make it that far, but his bottom will stick way up in the air.  The first time I really saw him actually crawl was 9-15-12.  Rocco and I were playing golf in the hallway of our house, and Maverick was going after a bigger toy ball we had for him.  I quickly ran to get the video recorder.  

His nutrition has changed just a little.  He continues to drink breast milk (more ounces now - takes 5 to fill him up instead of 3), but he usually gets some Gerber rice cereal mixed with breast milk once a day AND one vegetable or fruit as well.  He's a growing boy!

Peek-a-boo is a new favorite.  I'll say, "Bye bye!" in a high voice.  Then I go out of his sight for a few seconds.  When I jump back up and yell, "Boo!" he just laughs or grins.  

One of the benefits of being a stay at home mom is that I get to read to my little boy during the day while Rocco is at school.  Maverick loves it.  He really enjoys being read to, but he thinks he has to eat the book.  We're working on that part.  
I continue to cut coupons to help out with our budget.  Now that I'm part time, my check will soon be half of what it was.  At a consignment I found a bouncy seat that you hang from the doorway.  We put Maverick in it, and he loved it.  He doesn't really understand that he can use his legs to bounce up and down in it just yet; he thinks it is a swing because his big brother pushes him in it.  How fun!

And speaking of big brother, look who gives Maverick tons of love and kisses each day. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

6 Years 5 Months old

First grade is well underway, and Rocco is loving it.  His teacher, Mrs. Ashworth, is a sweet and young teacher.  She has assigned Rocco to be the cubby cleaner, which means he has to make sure everyone's cubby stays organized and clean.  One day his class was lined up in the hall.  Most of the students were eating their afternoon snacks.  When I didn't see Rocco, I took a peek inside his classroom.  He was wiping down the legs of the tables down with a Clorox wipe.  He really takes his cleaning job seriously.  Mrs. Ashworth said if any student's cubby is disorganized, he calls them over to take care of their mess.  

Now that Rocco is in first grade, we thought it was a good time for him to begin sleeping in his own bed.  August 7th, the night before school began, I put him in his bedroom.  He slept there for part of the night and joined us about 3 in the morning.  After several nights of this routine, he realized that we'd let him come back in the bed with us once he woke up.  Smart little fella' laid down one night and only slept for 5 minutes.  He got up and came into our bedroom.  "I woke up, mommy," he said.  I let him get in the bed with me- after all I had missed cuddling with him.  I later explained to him that he had to really be asleep before he could wake up and come in our room.  Before he goes to bed each night, he wants to know, "When are you coming to bed?"  His new thing is this.  He'll say, "Mommy, listen to my rules and obey them.  Finish what you are doing, put Maverick to sleep, then come lay down with me, THEN you can go to your bed." 

His front right tooth is loose.  It's just a matter of time before it comes out.  It will probably be sooner than later since I, his mom, work on it a little each day.  

Rocco says that his girlfriend is Riley.  This is the same girl that WAS his girlfriend for part of kindergarten.  Her other boyfriends are in another classroom this year.  Looks like Rocco has her all to himself - maybe until recess when all 1st graders go outside??  Her loss if she chooses other boys.  It's obvious Rocco is the cutest boy in his grade.  

On his progress report he scored the highest grades in math, reading, and spelling.  He also did excellent on his conduct.  Speaking of conduct, he has received no minuses.  And he's earned several dots.  Mrs. Ashworth gives out dots to students when they are doing something extra good.  One day Rocco came home and told his nana that he had 3 dots.  With a little disgust and confusion, he told her, "Well, I don't know how Hunter has 4!"  (as if he should have the most--cracked us up when we heard this).
Art is probably his least favorite class to go to.  He never has really liked to color or paint.  He'd rather be running in PE.  
One thing we are working on is his pitch.  He has the sweetest little voice, and I love to hear him sing.  He doesn't hit each note on pitch (most kids probably don't).  We have fun doing the do-re-me thing.  In kids' choir on Sunday night he's learning old hymns.  This month is "Nothing But the Blood". 
Rocco continues to be the best big brother, helping in every way (except for changing diapers).  He constantly loves and kisses on Maverick.  He truly has the most tender, loving heart of any little boy I know.  

The other day we got the ol' Thomas the Train toys.  He put on his conductor hat and rolled the engines over the tracks.  This was fun because I thought he had long since gotten too big for them.  I guess having a little brother around brings out the little kid in you.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


This year has been a miraculous one.  The year I delivered Maverick.  It still thrills me to think about what a miracle it is.  When I look at Maverick and Rocco I can't help but praise Jesus.  And just to think that I am their mom.  It's just wonderful.  

This year has not been all joyous though.  Since May I have lost three very close relatives.  On May 2 I lost my 95 year old great-grandmother.  Mamaw, as we all called her, was not your ordinary mamaw.  She was a ballroom dancer back in the day, could cook really good (even taught my nana and mom how to make delicious dishes like dressing), owned her own beauty shop, put together flower arrangements like a professional, played the piano, sang the silliest songs to us, and was also a tremendous prayer warrior.  She was a sight, and was so much fun to be around.  She'd kid around with all of us.  Mamaw was full of surprises, too.  My cousin Jennifer (and her mom, my Aunt Helen) lived with her.  When I was growing up I'd spend the night over there a good bit.  One day Jennifer and I were snowed in and couldn't go to school.  We spent hours playing this computer game, "Miner Forty-Niner."  We just couldn't beat this one level.  Finally, mamaw wanted to know what all the fuss what about.  She said, "Let me try."  On her first try she beat the level leaving Jennifer and me speechless.  To this day we still laugh about the day mamaw beat the game we never could.  

I love this picture of Rocco reaching out to mamaw.  It literally shows one generation touching another. 

 As she aged her mind couldn't remember things.  She would ask over and over again, "Now when did you adopt him?  You don't have to take him back do you?  How old is he?"  I'd just tell her the same answers again as if it was the first time she'd asked.  It was so sad to see her like that.  For most of my life she was so alert, quick witted, and even drove her car when most elderly were shut in.  She lived a long, productive life. And I know that she knew who Jesus was.  Certainly today she is rejoicing with her Savior in heaven.  Her son, Buddy, was my mom's dad.  He died when I was a child.  

Three months after her death, my family would experience another loss. This time on my dad's side.  On August 10th, my dad's sister, Katie, died.  

  She was 79.  Katie was a hard worker, and up until her death was still taking care of others.  She enjoyed working in the garden and could raise a lot of home grown vegetables.  If she wasn't growing some food, she was cooking it for someone.  Katie was another person I miss greatly because I know she really prayed for me.  Often she would tell me that she was praying for me to have a baby.  Today I have two sons, and I know her prayers were answered.  

Katie loved to laugh.  One summer my family and I went to Daytona Beach.  Katie went with us.  She and Rocco had a time laughing over practically nothing.  Once they started laughing I thought they'd never stop.  My dad misses her tremendously today, just as we all do.  My dad and Katie were very close to each other.

Not even two weeks after Katie died, my Papaw Billy died.  I was very close to him.  I cherished that man, for he was my hero.  When I was in 8th grade I watched as his convoy left Chattanooga, TN, and headed to Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm.  Oh how my heart hurt the day he said goodbye to my nana and us!  Not knowing if we'd see him alive again or not, we prayed and trusted for the best.  He indeed returned and we enjoyed a little more than 20 more years with him.  

My papaw and nana owned a nice home and a beautifully landscaped yard.  They worked hard to pay for everything they owned.  They didn't hire a gardener to keep up their flowers.  They spent hours outside doing the work themselves, and it really showed.  

My papaw made an honest living at Dupont and had a reputation for being a dependable man.  One man that worked with him in the National Guard and at Dupont said that you could always count on him to do his part.  He was a true team player.  He was a great leader, too.  He was a sergeant over many troops in the guards.  Every summer he'd go to Camp Shelby and endure the hard training and the heat . . .all for the love of his country.  When duty called him to protect us, he headed to the Middle East without reservation.  He was a brave man.  

He was also a fun papaw. He wasn't afraid to get in the floor and wrestle with my brother,Tyler, or play trucks with Rocco.  He LOVED his family.

He'd often joke with me about my grades when I was growing up.  "99?  Can't you make a better grade than that?"  He was so proud of me- he was my #1 fan.  That was cool because I was his biggest fan, too.  We had a mutual love and respect.  

And speaking of love and respect, I will never forget the relationship he had with my nana (my mom's mom).  When my nana was so sick with staph in the hospital, he stood right by her side.  Even though he himself wasn't healthy, he wanted to be with her each day at the hospital.  And when he got sick my nana refused to let him stay in a nursing home.  Even though her neck, arm, and back were in terrible shape, she would bathe him, push him in the wheelchair, and sweetly feed him at home.  I've never witnessed such selfless love in a couples' lives like I did theirs.  

I still can't believe he is gone.  It just doesn't seem real.  I look at pictures of him, and it's like I am going to see him in a week or so.  I guess I am still in denial because it just doesn't feel like he's gone.  

He knew the Lord, so I know he is not suffering from Parkinson's anymore.  Thank you Lord that there are no wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, or pain medicines in heaven.  I know papaw would not come back to this earth even if he had the chance.  But I do know he is waiting on me to join him one day.   And perhaps there are beautiful horses that we'll be able to ride together.  I know he would like that.