Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Three Months Old

 Look who is another month older. He's certainly grown since May.  He is no longer in size 1 diapers.  I had to pack away most of his 3 month outfits because they were just too small.  Our big boy is wearing at least 3-6 month clothes and some are straight 6 months.  On any given day you can probably bet that his socks are hanging off at his toes because his feet are so long.  At three months old he is about 14 pounds.  This morning when I woke up and saw him, he looked like a little linebacker laying there in his bed.

Oh how thankful I am that I've been able to stay at home with my boys this summer!  Since Maverick has been born I've only had to work six days.  My eight weeks of maternity leave were up the end of May, but by this time school was just about out.  And now I have the summer to spend with them.  I love staying at home and seeing how they change and grow every day.  Just look at what Maverick learned to do recently.
It is so sweet how he grabs his feet and just holds them.  Also this past month, Maverick has gone longer through the night without waking up to feed.  If I nurse him around 10pm, he will go to sleep and not wake up to eat until 2 or 3am.  He's up again at 6 or 7am.  He'll often go right back to sleep and be ready to start his day around 10am.  Talk about a good baby!

He is full of smiles for his mommy and other family members.  He's happiest in the mornings.  Even in the wee morning hours when I first greet him in his pack-n-play sleeper he lights up.  It doesn't matter how tired I am, I just glow inside and realize just how worth it it is.  Every day I thank Jesus for my boys.

Jason is so good to help out, too.  I must say I have it made.  He takes the 6am shift and feeds him milk I've pumped and put in a bottle.  Then he'll get him back to sleep before he goes to work at the church.

The only concerns we've had this month are his reflux and watery eyes.  We've had to increase his dose of Zantac because the reflux causes him to make wheezing sounds, almost like he's having some issues catching his breath.  And his eyes have watered since he came home from the hospital.  I'm really praying that it clears up so that we don't have to take him to an eye doctor.  The pediatrician says it is a clogged tear duct.

Maverick is such an active and strong baby.  Throughout the day he just kicks his legs and moves his arms all around.  If you're holding him upright in your lap, he will lift his back off of your chest and try to sit up on his own.  He's pretty good at holding his head up with little assistance. Tummy time is still important.  He continues to roll over at times, and he's really good at supporting his neck. 

He's said all of his vowel sounds (aah, eh, I, oo, uh, etc).  When I start going through the vowels myself it makes him start talking.  He gets so excited; his legs kick, his eyes get wide, and he starts breathing fast.  He loves interaction with us.  And he gets a lot of it up close and personal with his brother.  I think he likes it, so long as Rocco's hair doesn't get in his eyes.  They watch the TV in the nursery together when I put in various cartoon DVDs.  They are buddies already!


  1. LOVE the photo with him holding his head up. He looks like a different baby. Isn't it amazing how they grow and change those first months (well year in fact). I am so grateful for your two blessings as well. And I still can't help but smile seeing the ready for church photo. Rocco is pure boy-- I know a few boys like that at my house. Glad you are enjoying your summer. Love ya- Heather

  2. Maverick is growing so fast, and has a perfect big brother to teach him new tricks! God is so good!
