Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer Reading Program

This is the third year that Rocco has participated in the Summer Reading Program.  Check him out back in 2010.  This was the summer before he began preK.   

This is the first year that he's really been able to read a lot more himself.  I would say he knows about 170 sight words and those he doesn't know he can often figure out using the rules that Mrs. Bond taught him this year in kindergarten.  Of course I still read to him a lot, too.  All of that reading adds up, and when you're in the reading program you get certificates for the amount of time you read.  We just got started last week and he's already documented 2 hours worth which landed him a free donut and skating pass.  

The cool thing is that now Maverick has joined us.  He laid between Rocco and me while we read for 20 minutes this morning.  He just looked at the pages.  I read a while, and then Rocco read most of Go Dog Go! to him.  

Today was little man's first trip to the library.  
 And we called Betty to see if she'd bring Will and Weston.  They joined us, too.  Now all 3 boys are signed up.  Let the reading begin!

1 comment:

  1. Love the 2 month picture of Maverick ---so handsome!!!

    And Rocco looks like a proud ball player with that medal on! Cute, Cute :)

    We just started our library days too-- the kids are SO excited. For their kick off, they got to meet storm troopers and a Jedi (made Samuel's day).
