Saturday, June 16, 2012

Meeting Papaw for Father's Day

My parents live a little over an hour away from us.  Since Maverick is still so young, we decided to meet halfway for Father's Day and have lunch with my dad at Cracker Barrel.  My dad and my niece, Daelyn, met us for the special occasion.  I had the two boys.  
 This was also a special day because it was Daelyn's first time seeing her new cousin, Maverick.  I must say she did a great job of holding his head and neck.  She was very sweet with him.  Here they are for the first time together - she is 3 yrs and Maverick is 2 months old.
 Along with the gifts and cards this year, I also made my dad, papaw, and father-in-law some homemade blackberry cobbler.  These are fresh blackberries from the woods - not the store bought kind.  Jason doesn't eat cobbler-too sad for him. ;)

 After we ate, we went for a swim.  This was a real treat.  This was the first time Rocco has ever been with all of his first cousins at the same time.  Here they are - Rocco and Maverick with their mom's brother's girl and their dad's sister's two kids.

Then once they all had their sunscreen and life jackets on, they went for a little swim.


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