June has been a great month for us. With school out, we've been able to just stay around the house and spend lots of time together. Having summers off if one of the biggest perks of being a teacher. August will be here too soon, but for now we're enjoying every day we have.
We've gone blackberry picking two or three times now. We ride the four wheeler to our special secret spots. Rocco is really good at telling me which ones are ready. Every now and then he'll pick a few himself. I've made three cobblers this summer; they're just delicious.
Our church's VBS is later in July, but he went to Live Oak (the church Jason pastored for 9 years). He came home with this super hero outfit. His mask said, "Powered by God."
We've talked more about heaven and hell lately. He asks me what heaven is like. When I told him the part about us having perfect bodies he began to ask questions. "Like I will have my same skin but no mosquito bites?" "I guess so..." I responded. "But, mommy will you have your mole?" That was the sweetest question. He loves the mole on my chin and has felt of it often going to sleep. With perfect bodies I don't guess I'll have that mole. He was a little concerned about that.
Every night he asks me, "Mommy are you putting me to bed?" Most nights I do, but when I'm up late doing something he wants to know, "But when are you coming to bed?" Rocco still sleeps in our bed at six years old. Jason has told him when he goes to first grade he will start sleeping in his own room. We will see.
Maverick is just three months old and is not much of a playmate at this age, but he does watch DVDs with his big brother. This is one of their daily activities. Rocco has him watching Mater's Tall Tales, Thomas the Train, and Monster Jam. They are quite the pair watching their shows in Maverick's room.
Being a big brother comes so naturally for Rocco. He is so good with Maverick. Whenever his little brother starts to cry, Rocco is the problem solver. "Oh he's just fighting sleep!" he'll say. Or he'll tell us, "He's probably hungry" or "He needs his paci." One day he told me, "He's upset because he wants to watch Mater's Tall Tales."
Rocco knows by now that I am a picture taking mama. When he gets close to Maverick, he'll tell me, "Take a 'pitch-uh'!" This was probably one of those times. I couldn't resist. Just look at him supporting his little brother's neck.
Rocco is very tight with his money. He just collects any cash he gets and stores it in his secret hiding spot. We've certainly spoiled him by buying him some little something almost every time we're out at the store. Lately, I'll tell him that if he wants it he has to pay me back for it. He'll quickly change his mind. This has cut down on our toy spending a good bit.
One morning he woke up and asked me out of the blue, "What's in your wallet?" This cracked me up. No doubt he heard this from a commercial.
One day we were eating out for Father's Day and my dad gave me $10 for something. As I put it in my wallet, Rocco began to pout because he wanted the money. "I'll give you this five." I told him. He wasn't dumb. He insisted on the ten. Later after we ate, my dad gave him $10. Immediately, he turned to me and said, "Where's my five, mom?" Needless to say he didn't get it.
On Father's Day when Jason opened his card Rocco was concerned. "Is that my money?" He did the same thing when my nana opened up her birthday card. I had to assure him that the money did not come from his secret hiding spot.
Our big guy is all about speed lately. He loves to race down the hall and back to see how fast he can do it. Jason and I got in on the fun and tried to beat each other's times. We're very competitive. Of course Rocco beat all of our fast times. When we're going down the road Rocco can spot a car going too fast. He'll just shake his head and say, "Boy he's gonna get a ticket!"
Baseball continues to be one his favorites. We'll pretend we're playing for the Braves and going against some other team like the Sand Gnats, Lookouts, or Green Jackets. Once Rocco tucks his shirt tail in, gets a wad of Big League chewing gum, and picks up his tomahawk (uses it for his bat) we are ready to go. I'm the coach and the announcer. When he changes sides with the imaginary team, he'll say, "So, how are we doing coach?"
This month Rocco has really become more self sufficient. I know I've babied him so much; I guess now that we have a second child he has to do more things for himself. He now can open the car door to get in and out; he can also buckle and unbuckle himself in the seat. He's also started getting more brave in the pool lately. He's been jumping off of the top step. Every now and then he will go under...not often. It will only be a matter of time before he's jumping off the side of the pool and swimming without a life vest.