Saturday, August 3, 2013

July 29th - Monthly Update

Intelligent, handsome, sweet...the total package.  That's my Rocco.  I just love his new look in his glasses.  Sometimes he'll drop his head, pull his glasses down, and give me that look.  Here it is below.  He makes me laugh all the time!
 He is still very much into Teen Beach Movie.  He's even watched the short segments on Disney that teach you how to do the dance moves.  He doesn't miss a beat!

This summer we've had friends down from Texas ( the Carlson's), went to Charleston and the beach at Isle of Palms, worked in my vegetable garden, and enjoyed sleeping in (then again Maverick tends to get us up early). Nevertheless we've enjoyed being out of school.  We love picking blackberries.  Maverick would eat them all up if we let him though, and we would have none left to cook if we don't watch him!

And just look at our sweet little man.  The other day in the dark I was holding him. We kept rubbing noses like Eskimos do when they kiss.  He would just giggle and do it again.

Maverick just loves bubbles.  Rocco usually pops them first, but he is just fascinated when I blow them.

We really have to watch him now.  He's into everything.  He can now climb up on the kitchen chair and then onto the table.  I can no longer put my vase of flowers up there for fear he'll break it.  I'm also afraid he's going to climb up there and fall.  That's why the kitchen chairs are no longer resting near the table but near the living room.  The stairs are still barricaded, too.  The high chair is usually blocking the pantry door or else he would get into the candy stash.  "Bite bite, mmm!" he'd say. Oh the way your house gets turned around when there's an active little one!

If there's a hat lying around, Maverick will put it on.  Half the time it's on backwards, but he's as cute as ever.  He knows he is something big and special.  That smile on his face says it all.

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