Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Seven Years Old

Rocco now stands three feet and seven and a half inches tall.  He's moved up to a size 11 in shoes, 5 in shirts and 5/6 in pants (as long as they have adjustable waist).

 Rocco is certainly one strong boy.  He began planking with me when I was working out one night to Gilad.  His abs are like steel, and right after he turned seven we were at the park with the Cox boys when he -for the first time- traveled across the monkey bars all by himself.  He was so proud, and I was too!

He is such a sweet boy, and he's still oh so smart!  The other day his teacher was out and he had Ms. Nancy Rogers for a sub.  She had the children line up in front of the room for a spelling bee.  It got down to just Rocco and Hannah.  He won by spelling the words fly, fast, and floor

He recently started telling jokes where word play is the punch line.  He gets most of his jokes off of the milk cartons at school.  Here are a few of them:

"Why are basketball players messy eaters?     Because they're always dribbling!"

"What did one plate say to another?     Food's on me tonight!"

"Why do fish not play basketball?       Because they are afraid of the net!"

"What is a boxer's favorite drink?     Punch!"

"How do you keep a bull from charging?     You take away his credit card!"

"Why are you under there?"  After I say, "Under wear?"  he just starts laughing because I said underwear.

Blue glue is still on his back teeth, but his front teeth have naturally aligned over his bottom ones.  Now that he's found his new bite, the under bite has been reversed.  That's one small step towards brackets this summer!

Since Rocco has decided to be a follower of Jesus, he's made some astounding statements.  The other evening he was sitting in the living room floor playing with his little football figures when out of the blue he stood up and said, "I"m going to go read my Bible."  Wow! Where did that come from?  I learned that the previous Wednesday nights Team Kid lesson was about having a quiet time. I followed him to his bedroom so that I could direct him to a book that might be easy for him to read. First John was my pick.  He wanted me to shut his door.  "God wants me to read His Word in private," he informed me.  Later he also told me that he did not need any distractions because he was trying to "read his Father's Word."  

And then another day he told me that he had asked God to forgive him for some sins he had done.  That is what it's all about!  I love the fact that Rocco is so sensitive to God's Word.   I continue to pray that both he and Maverick will grow up to be great men of God.    

Rocco has certain sayings that I hear him say every day, or at least once a week.  When something cool happens, he'll say, "What a play!"  When something ridiculous happens he will sarcastically reply, "Really?"  And he also calls Maverick his buddy boy.

The school counselor has taught the students at our school that spending time together is important. She's explained it in terms of buckets. The other day we were riding together on the golf cart and Rocco said, "Hey mommy, you're filling my bucket and I'm filling yours."

I'll close with a few sweet pictures of the boys that God has blessed us with. 

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