Tuesday, March 26, 2013

One Year Old

Maverick one year old this month!  He's a big boy, weighing in at about 26 pounds.  On the 26th, he got his first hair cut.  Gloria, a long time friend of ours, did the honors.  She also gave Rocco his first hair cut years ago.  Little man fussed at first, and then he let her do the task.  I guess it helped that he was sitting in his daddy's lap.  I took pictures while Carolyn and Rocco watched from the side.

Maverick really took off walking within the last month.  He went from using a cane, to an upside down mini golf club, to no assistance at all.  Within two weeks, he was walking!  By his first birthday he was a little pro at walking!

We celebrated his first birthday Sesame Street style!  The party was for family and held at our house on Saturday, March 23rd.  I decorated the garage and kitchen/living room. Angela, the nursery worker at our church, made the 3 hanging tissue characters.   Jennifer Taylor's mother-in-law did the cake.

 His present from us was a red Polaris Ranger that plays music and makes noise.  It's just the right size for him to push and ride on.

And here's our family at the party right before we sang Happy Birthday and Rocco blew out the candle for his brother.
 Little man dug into the cake just a little.  Then, he got upset that he was dirty.

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