Saturday, December 1, 2012

6 Years 8 Months Old

Rocco is really into football these days.  Throughout the college season, he's stayed up with the Dawgs.  With the help of his daddy, he could tell you who they were going to play each Saturday.  He also could tell you which teams are in the SEC.  And he's also really good at telling you the different referee symbols and what they mean.  I was listening to him play the other day with his little football figures.  I heard him say, "After the review, the play was no good.  Automatic first down..."  He certainly knows all the lingo.

He's not very much into the outdoors.  He'd rather be inside playing with his toys or a game on the Wii or playstation.  He still really likes the football game.  He knows he can play one (sometimes more) games a day, so he'll cut it off during third quarter and think he can start another game.  "But the first one didn't count because I didn't finish it."  He thinks he's getting away with it, but his daddy caught on real fast.  Every now and then we will play the Mario game.  I think it's cute how he still calls Luigi "OOeegi."

Rocco's appetite has picked up some.  One of his favorite's is chicken legs.  On Papa's Sunday, we have to make sure we have enough of them because all of the cousins go after them.  Pringles potato chips, BBQ and sour cream, are also some of his favorite food.  He doesn't care for cupcakes or cake.  He'll eat cookies though.

Will is still one of Rocco's best friends (far right).  He and his brother, Weston, have come home with us a couple of times after school.  The boys always have the best time together.

 During the Thanksgiving season, Rocco dressed up as an Indian at school.  They had their usual feast.  This year Jason went to it.  Now that I am part time I only work half of a day on Friday, and I was home with the baby.
 We had the best time during Thanksgiving break.  Here are a few of the games we played together.  We had to put Maverick in his bouncy swing because he kept getting into our Candyland game pieces.
Every Wednesday night, Rocco attends Team Kid at our church.  He continues to attend Sunday School (Joan W. is his teacher) and children's church (Carol Ann is his teacher).  I also talk to him a good bit at home about the Bible.  He can tell you what the ABCs are of becoming.  Admit you are a sinner, believe Jesus is the Son of God, confess.  He still does not completely understand what all of it means, but he is quickly learning.  At our children's Christmas musical they sang a song about faithful Abraham.  I talked to him about how in the Old Testament people had to kill animals, specifically pure lambs or goats, so that their blood could be offered up as a sacrifice.  I continued to explain that we don't do that anymore because Jesus was our sacrifice.  He took it all in.  Later he asked me something like, "Why couldn't they just kill a cat?"  That boy is a mess, but he is a smart one!

Here we are in our children's Christmas play at church.  The title was the  Joy Story.  I played the part of an old fashioned toy store owner, Mrs. Joy, who had joyful news of the real meaning of Christmas.  My toys talked and taught a high minded New York toy store owner about Jesus.  Rocco was one of the toy soldiers.  He was so excited that he got to use a real walkie talkie during his speaking part.

1 comment:

  1. I am so, so proud of my Rocco. He is so special to me.....makes me laugh, and makes me happy!
