Rocco has been losing teeth, left and right. The tooth fairy has been very busy taking teeth and leaving money. She leaves $2 per tooth. Rocco is racking up because he's lost four recently. September 7th, he lost his top, right, central incisor.
He was thrilled to get his $2. This was taken the morning of Sept. 8th.
On September 23rd, he lost the tooth next to the hole where his last tooth came out. His top, right, lateral incisor was now gone, too. On the 26th, just three days later, he lost a tooth on the bottom. It was his left, lateral incisor. When October came, he was ready to lose the other, top, central incisor. This time it was the one on his left (10-14-12). You can imagine with so many of his teeth coming out, he can't bite off of an apple or do corn on the cob. . . but he sure is cute all snaggle-toothed. I've been the one to pull all of his teeth. I usually have to bribe him for him to let me wiggle on them. He knows I'm going to pull it out. This picture is blurry, but I still love it because it shows his missing teeth.
On the 17th of October, I took him to see the same dentist that his first cousins, Drew & Sydney, see. He was a little anxious, but he cooperated like a real champ. His favorite tool was the spin brush and spit suctioner. Xrays showed no cavities, but we are to floss and use fluoride each night. His six year, permanent molars are in. Because of his cross bite, the dentist recommended that we see an orthodontist.
To reward him for doing so well at the dentist, he got to take a McDonald's happy meal to school for his lunch. I met Carolyn in Rome, and she took him by there after our appointment.

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