Sunday, October 7, 2012

Am I Saved?

On the way to church tonight, Rocco from the back seat said, "Hey mommy."  "Yes, Rocco," I replied, not knowing what to expect since he's so full of questions lately.  "Am I saved?" 

Whoa!  I wasn't expecting that.  My heart stopped.  We've prayed for Rocco's salvation since day one and at night when Jason or I pray with him we both pray aloud for our boys to come to know Jesus Christ.  This was a big question he was asking me!

"What makes you think about that?" I asked him.

"Well, they say that Jesus is coming back and we have to be ready.  We have to be saved."

Wondering where this came from...children's church??  Sunday school??  I asked him, "What does that mean?" by this time I'm beginning to probe him to see what all he knows.

"It means you save people," he said matter-of-factly.

"Have you ever saved anyone?" I asked him thinking he didn't understand at this point what salvation was.

"No, mom!  Only Jesus can do that!"

By this time we are parked in the church parking lot, Rocco in the back seat with his 6 month old brother beside him.  I've stopped the car and am ready to get out.  This is a major moment we've just had...the beginning of questions regarding his salvation.  Of course we've talked about Jesus dying for our sins, the cross, the difference between Good Friday and Easter, heaven, hell, the devil, and even (our most recent Bible verse from Proverbs) what the Bible says about evil.  To not walk by it or be near it.  He knows all these things. 

At this point I knew we had more to discuss, but I didn't know if he was just yet ready. 

"So am I saved?"

"I don't think you've been saved yet."

"Well, we've GOT to find out if I am!" 

"OK, we will talk to daddy about this some more."

I was thrilled, nervous, and excited all at once.  Later that night I talked with Ms. Penny, one of his Sunday School teachers.  She said that they had been talking about the ABCs of becoming a Christian the last few weeks.  Ms. Carol Ann is his children's church leader.  I told her our conversation that we had had in the car.  She explained that they have been learning about parables in the Bible.  They've recently learned about the bridegroom who is coming.  She asked what they needed to do to be ready for Christ to return. Another child said, "We need to be saved."  Rocco chimed in and said that this meant you had to have Jesus in your heart.  Mr. Bill and Ms. Anna have taught Rocco the old hymn Nothing But the Blood during children's choir.

Seeds have certainly been planted.  Teaching Rocco about Jesus is by far the most important job I have as a parent.  I couldn't be more thrilled that he is asking questions.  At the appointed time I have no doubt the Holy Spirit will deal with his heart about repentance and what it means to accept Jesus.  It looks like it could be sooner than later!

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