Wednesday, August 8, 2012

First Grade

Rocco is in Mrs. Ashworth's class this year.  She is a young mother of two and a very sweet teacher.  Riley Baker, his kindergarten girlfriend, is also in this class.  Will, however, is in Mrs. Jacob's room.  Will and Rocco have been best friends since pre-K and have not been separated until this year.  At least they'll still see each other at recess.  

I am just working part time this year.  School began on Wednesday, one of my days off, so Jason took Rocco to school.  When he took him in, he carried him on top of his shoulders just like he did last school year. 

Rocco was glad to go back because he really likes learning.  He was all smiles.  When I picked him up that afternoon he said his day was "good."  He seemed to have a good time with some former classmates (Hunter and Anthony), and he's gaining some new friends (Mary Ella and Mason).  

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