Thursday, May 31, 2012

Maverick Rolls Over

Today I put Maverick on his belly for tummy time.  He was 9 weeks and 3 days old.  He propped himself up really well with his arms and elbows. Rocco was watching a Backyardigans cartoon on a DVD next to his little brother.  "I'm going to get the camera," I told the boys.  "Maverick, don't move!"  I had no sooner ran to the kitchen when Rocco began yelling for me.  I thought something was wrong.  I hurried back to the nursery.  "He rolled over, Mommy!  He rolled over!" Rocco exclaimed.  And sure enough, little man was just lying there on his back.  I couldn't believe it!  I was so excited Maverick had just performed this new trick, and I was also thrilled for Rocco who was having this super big brother moment.  I put Maverick back on his tummy and within seconds he had turned over again.  I ran to get my IPOD so I could video it.  When I got back to video him, I missed it again.  The fourth time I finally caught it on video.

Rocco bragged at what a great big brother he was.  "Hey, mommy.  Bad brothers would just have put the babies back on their tummies and not told their mommies."   The two of us celebrated with high fives.  Maverick just lay there wondering what all the commotion was about.


  1. YAY....way to go, Maverick! So proud of you!
    Rocco, you are a perfect big brother! I love both of you.

  2. I am so glad Rocco is not a "bad brother". What a special moment for him.

    Way to go Maverick! What a cutie
