I know he's my baby and you probably think I'm prejudiced, but he is the best baby! He seems to follow a pretty good schedule through the day and even through the night. He'll whimper and grunt as he wakes up hungry about every 3 to 4 hours at night. He eats around 9pm, 1am, 4am, and then 6am. Thankfully he goes right back to sleep after each feeding.
He really doesn't cry that much. And when he does get upset during the day, we're able to know what his different cries mean. When he starts sucking on his fist we know he's ready to eat. If he gets huffy and starts fake coughing that is just a fit for attention to be held.
The morning time seems to be when he is happiest, full of smiles just loving every bit of us talking and singing to him. I do lots of that. He wants to talk so bad he can hardly stand it, and he has made some beginning sounds and coos. One morning he and I played some vocal volley. He would make some sounds and then I would copy him. This went on for several minutes.
This month he has started following us with his eyes, and he seems to focus better on objects. He'll turn when he hears Rocco's voice. He really recognizes his big brother. He'll also respond to mine and Jason's voice. This month he has given us genuine smiles, especially when we talk to him.
We've also made progress at bath time. No more tears! Just look at this happy baby after his bath!
I'm so thankful for his health. I know when Rocco would pray for Maverick, even before he was born, he would ask God to make him strong and healthy. And strong he is! He can put all of his weight on his legs if you'll just balance him.
He really likes looking at ceiling fans. That just seems to fascinate him.
Big trick this month...he rolled over!