Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Finish Line

Yes. I can almost see it. Today I was 39 weeks, and oh how thankful I am to have made it this far. Although I saw my share of triage (3 trips) all alarms were false and my water never broke. It looks like I will have that planned C-section after all. Before my pregnancy ends I wanted to blog about a few more things. It looks like I'll be delivering this baby this week.

Things I am thankful for:
1) My blood pressure was always where it needed it be. It stayed around 117/74. It was never high.
2) My heart was healthy enough to endure the pregnancy and all the added stress it had to go through to carry a child.
3) I have no stretch marks!
4) All ultrasounds and blood work came back with healthy reports.
5) I really didn't have back pain with this pregnancy. Every now and then I'd get a catch in my back or need to use a massager, but for the most part I had a great back!

Things I will miss:
1) Rocco feeling of my belly and saying, "Whoa! I felt him kick!"
2) Feeling the kick, almost like a fish flopping around, and seeing the baby's heel, knee, foot, bottom, hand, or whatever that was poking around through my skin.
3) People telling me, "Oh, you're so beautiful," even when I felt like crap.
4) Chewy chocolate Chips Ahoy never tasted so good with a glasss of milk!

Things I won't miss:
1) Heartburn.
2) Nauseous feeling / throwing up after big meals or even in the morning with no meal on my stomach.
3) Low pelvic pain when I get up after lying down or changing from left/right side in the bed.
4) Not being able to sleep...

But then again I've heard parents with a newborn say, "Sleep? What's that?"

Here's one last picture of me pregnant. This was taken at my last doctor's visit. I was 38 weeks and 4 days along.

1 comment:

  1. What a miraculous blessing! Never give up cause God is in control. You have had the most beautiful glow since you have been pregnant.
