Tuesday, October 29, 2013

19 Months Old

At 19 months old, he weighs 27 lbs 15.4 oz; his height is 35.75 inches.  He is pretty tall for his age. His shoe size is 7, but he has managed to wear all of our shoes at some point.  That's his big thing.  Clomping through the house with shoes as he tells us, "Bye bye!"

This month he had to get his Hep A and influenza shot.

Maverick is not afraid of much.  A tall slide doesn't bother him in the least.  His older brother, Rocco, is quite the opposite.  .  .  very cautious.  Our second child seems to have thrown caution out the window.  He's wide open.

Maverick really enjoyed the school fall festival we attended in our small town for Rocco.  He was thrilled with delight as he came down the slides.  I love this sweet picture of him inside one of the inflatables. 

Keeping a watch on him in the house keeps me busy.  He's constantly moving whatever I've propped in front of the stairs leading up to the playroom.  A couple of times he has actually made it to the top before I caught him.  He is determined to get in the playroom.  He knows what all is inside there!

He loves music.  Recently he's tried to snap.  Last month he began whistling.  In our bedroom he knows what the radio and CD player do.  When he wants music he points to it.  When I ask him if he wants to listen to it, he will shake his head and give his high pitched "Huh huh!'  He will bounce up and down, shake his arms back and forth, and twist at the waist.  He loves music like his mom!  Jason and I both sing to him when we put him to bed.  The first song he has started to hum is Frere Jacque. Its the main three notes that go upward that he hums over and over.

He's very advanced for his age when it comes to strength and gross / fine motor skills.  He can pull himself up, hold on tight while hanging, and open any container he wants.  His verbal skills are developing, too.  He says wah wah for water, Rah Rah for Rocco, bah bah for bottle, bae for baby, and baa for bath. When I have him try to say a certain word, he will shake his head down hard and come out with some syllable that often sounds nothing like what we're working on, but his determination is so sweet.

He likes to hide toys inside things and then hold his arms up and in a questioning way say, "Ehh?"  He likes to play this game a lot.

Our little boy is very smart when it comes time to eat.  He knows all about blessing the food. He'll cover both eyes with his sweet hands, and he ends with "A meh!" He has also learned the sign for Amen as well as the signs for eat and more. Maverick is very independent, and he some times won't eat unless you give him the fork and let him do it himself.  He normally is a really good eater, but I've found that if he doesn't eat, I can get him to by acting like I am crying.  It upsets him, so he'll quickly take bite.  Little man has a big heart.  A few times when he has seen me cry, he will sweetly wipe my tears off of my face.  It's actually more like poking my eye out, but the rough boy means well!

When he sees a tractor, truck or hears a big engine says,"Dada!"  He will keep on until you acknowledge, "Yes, daddy drives a tractor."  He will smile in agreement and shake his head.

As of September, Jason and I have been separated, living in separate homes.  While we work, he stays with Ms. Donna  and  Mr.  Greg two to three days a week. He can say their names (Nonna and Geg).  His Nana Carolyn also watches him a day or two a week.  Granddaddy is still recovering from his knee surgery so she hasn't taken him on more than that.  Friday's he is usually with Jason, since that is his day off. Jason also gets him in the afternoons on Monday (I teach a college course that night), Wednesday, and Thursday.  I have him every weekend (Friday afternoon through Sun night), as well as Tues and Friday after school.

We are separated, but we are still a family. A broken family hoping for healing and restoration. Our children are miracles from God proving that anything is possible.

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