He just turned one last month and he's already headed toward his two's. Slow down little boy! You're growing up too fast. From the look of that precious face . . . .
Here he is at his brother's baseball game. He's already been to several. Sometimes he'll sit in our laps...
and at other times he'll go down to the fence. Sometimes he see daddy, who happens to be the coach. He'll say, "Dada." That happens to be he favorite word. He says it all day long.
Jason's cousin, Allison, made us matching shirts. Colston and Rocco are on the same team together. Allison and I have "Baseball Mom" shirts and Carlton and Maverick have "Colston's Brother" and "Rocco's Brother" shirts.
Maverick experienced his first boat ride the first of April. The four of us went out on Jason's Bumblebee. He took it all in, and daddy even let him behind the wheel for a while. It was a nice day but the wind made it a little chilly.
One thing he likes to do is look in the mirror. He will smile and pat the baby that he sees looking back at him. He also loves to explore and open cabinets/drawers. They say cleaning the house when you have kids is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreo's; I believe it! I will finish putting the magnets back on the fridge that he tore down when I turn around and see that he's drug out pots and pans out of the pantry. When I get those picked up I have to put the trash back in the can because he found it. Then, I have to go refold the clothes that he's unfolded on the couch. It goes on and on. . . I love that sweet little mess! He's cut my computer off several times...and some of those times I've lost some data that I was working on. He, of course, is oblivious to what he's doing. He just thinks it's cool to watch the blue light go off and on.
We used to barricade the living room so that he couldn't get out. Now that he can crawl, stand, walk, climb, and anything else he so chooses, there's no containing him! He just gets up on the couch and climbs over it so that he can get into the kitchen. He's also learned how to turn over on his belly and slide off the tall bed. Little man is so muscular and has such a tight grip. There's not much slowing him down. He's even learned how to wiggle his way out of his high chair and stand up. Thankfully we've caught him before he toppled to the hard kitchen floor. He still stays with nana and granddaddy on Tues and Thursday; he keeps them running!
My mom calls him "Little Moses" because he loves to carry anything that resembles a staff. Canes, brooms, golf clubs, sticks, you name it. He will hold it like a staff and walk with it in tow.
On April 1st, we brushed his teeth for the first time. When I gave him the toothbrush he tried to brush his hair with it.
With his daddy and granddaddy being cattleman, it is no wonder that his first animal sound was the mooing of a cow. He even moos at Duke, our dog. Granddaddy bought Maverick a little toy cow now that he can moo so well.
If you leave some clothes on the floor, he will wrap it behind his neck like a scarf and walk around the room like that. If he finds a brush, he will comb his hair. The other day he found a Qtip and started to put it in his ear. And he already knows what a remote it. When he woke up the other morning, he went to the living room, picked up the remote, climbed up on the couch, and he pointed the remote to the TV like he was about to watch it.
Of course I have to brag on how smart he is. He can point to mommy's nose, his belly, diaper, head, mouth, and eyes. He's also learned to point. And he's using the sign language we've taught him for eat, milk, and bye. When wants to nurse he usually just pulls at my shirt and starts sticking his tongue back and forth. He's growing healthy! He measures over 24 pounds at his one year check up and was really tall for his age. He's already in a size 6 shoe; list lastest pair were some sandals made by TEVA.
Of course I have to brag on how smart he is. He can point to mommy's nose, his belly, diaper, head, mouth, and eyes. He's also learned to point. And he's using the sign language we've taught him for eat, milk, and bye. When wants to nurse he usually just pulls at my shirt and starts sticking his tongue back and forth. He's growing healthy! He measures over 24 pounds at his one year check up and was really tall for his age. He's already in a size 6 shoe; list lastest pair were some sandals made by TEVA.
Maverick is all boy. He loves to run tractors across the floor. And he loves to play rough. He's learned how to tackle his brother down to the floor. We're having to work on the hitting part. If he smacks at you and you respond with an "Ow!" he just cackles. The rougher you play the more he likes it. He also likes to be tickled, and mommy and daddy know just where his tickle spots are!