Thursday, November 1, 2012

6 years 7 months old

Rocco is continuing to grow and learn more and more.  He has been asking a lot of questions lately, especially science ones.  I love this.  For instance, the other day he asked me,"Why does the mirror do that when you get a shower?"  I was able to explain to him about water vapor and condensation.  Then another day I got this one, "Mommy, this is a hard question.  Why do you breathe air out but you can't see it?"  We talked about solids, liquids, and gases.  Then I tied in God with this one because we believe and have faith in a God that we can't see, but we can certainly see the things He does and creates.  Another question he asked was why certain clouds were white and not dark.

Rocco is one of the best behaved kids in his class.  It's true.  I'm not just partial, you can ask his teacher.  Whenever they do something extra nice, the students will receive dots.  Ten dots gets you a prize of your choice in the treasure chest.  For his first ten dots he got an old cell phone.  You would have thought it was Christmas.  He loved that phone!  For his next ten he got some cheap happy meal toy.  He just keeps on earning dots.  Some kids haven't even earned 5 yet and he's beyond 20!

I don't know why he does this but he is always telling me to tell Maverick if he couldn't say it himself.  Like he'll say, "Tell Maverick what a good big brother I am."  "Hey mommy, tell Maverick about my new phone and my ten dots."  So, I'll go into a long explanation (Maverick can't even understand), for the pure satisfaction of Rocco.  He likes it when I brag on him or explain things to Maverick that he has done.

At school each day he gets to go to a different activity.  He has ranked them in order by how much he likes each of them and bases whether or not it is a good day on which activity he gets to go to.  First place goes to PE.  Second is music, and third is computer lab.  Fourth is science (I'm not his teacher this year because I'm part time to stay home with Maverick), and lightspan is fifth. Coming in dead last is his LEAST  He does NOT like to color or draw.  Art is such a bummer class to him.

He loves to stay inside just like me.  His daddy would rather he go hunting with him or play outside.  If it were up to Rocco he'd stay at home, inside all day and just play with his toys or video games on the Wii.  Recently Jason brought home a used Playstation game system.  His newest favorite is the football game on it.

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