Thursday, July 26, 2012

Four Months Old

Maverick's eye sight seems to be right on track.  He can follow us across the room as well as anything small you put in front of him.  He loves to grasp at things now.  If we put our faces close to his, he'll grab and tightly clench his fists.  He can really pinch your face and ears!  I think he enjoys experimenting with different textures; mommy's face is much smoother than daddy's rough whiskers, and Rocco is the softest of all.  During his bath time, he loves to reach for the water as I gently pour it over his chest.  He likes to try and grab the trickle.  He's also learned how to pull the musical toy on his baby seat to make it sing.  

If he is laying down, he uses his flexibility to pull his foot up to his mouth.  He'll eat about three toes at once.  They make a good teether, and he's shown some signs of early teething.  

When he was 13 weeks old (June 28th to be exact) he slept the whole entire night without getting up for a feeding.  He's done well since then, but he usually gets up at 4am to nurse and then again at 7 or 8am.  It's right back to sleep though, so we can't complain.  He's a great baby!

This month he got his first experience at the beach.  We spent a week in Panama City.  He learned to enjoy the pool, but he didn't care for the ocean water.  He didn't mind the sand on his toes.  I think his favorite part was the sound of the waves crashing in.  It would put him to sleep almost every time.  

Maverick is such a happy little baby.  When I talk to him he just lights up, smiles, and begins kicking his legs.  He's so personable, and he just loves attention.  If he sits by himself for too long, he'll let you know it's time to pay him some attention.  And you have to watch him closely.  The other day I had him in his bouncer/rocker seat.  Rocco told me, "Mama, he's sliding down."  Within minutes I heard a thunk.  Poor Maverick was crying because he had wiggled his way out of it and had landed on the floor. And one day when I was paying the bills he managed to tackle his play gym to the ground.  He's a strong little fella.  That's what Rocco would always pray before I had him. "Dear God, Help Maverick to be strong and healthy."  Praise the Lord his prayers were answered.

1 comment:

  1. Look at that big boy sit up in that chair-- he looks so big already :)
