Sunday, July 29, 2012

Six Years Four Months Old

I just love this kid.  He's the most sincere, loving, good-hearted boy in the world.  And he's my son!  I knew he was a gentle, sweet soul but watching him with his baby brother just proves it even more.  He really loves "his baby".  He'll be loving on Maverick and say, "I just want to squeeze him to pieces!"

Rocco continues to keep an eye on his brother for me.  If he is crying, feels cold, seems hungry, is tired, etc. big brother comes and tells me about it.  Here's a picture of Rocco trying to calm him down himself by giving him a pacifier.  He also read a book to him by himself for the first time.  He read The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

The other day Maverick was crying.  Not much seemed to sooth him.  Rocco left the room ( I figured to get a break from all of the crying ).  He came back with his toy guitar.  "Maybe he wants a lullaby, mama!"  And he strummed away, way out of tune, and Maverick just stopped to listen.

It was this month that he finally spent the night at his nana and granddaddy's house.  This was a big deal.  Even though they don't live but a few minutes away, Rocco has never really wanted to leave at night.  He loves to snuggle with me too much when we go to bed.  But...he did indeed spend the night with them.  I think Drew (his 13 yr old first cousin) being over there that night probably helped him make this decision ;).

And while he was spending the night over there, Drew had "quiet time" with him before going to bed.  They read the Bible together.  This really impacted Rocco.  Since then he often asks me at night to have quiet time with him.  And he's learned the books of the New Testament, too.  I am especially proud of this!

Vacation Bible School is a big event every summer for us.  This year was no exception.  Ms. Tabatha was his teacher. Will is one of his best friends from church and school, and he was there again this year at VBS.  They had a great time; they said recreation was their favorite.

When Rocco is playing around the house, he often tucks his shirt in.  He does this because all of the baseball players do so.  And often I'll see him with various things in his pocket (or hanging off of his shorts).  Keys, old cell phone, sword...all sorts of things.  And speaking of baseball, we met one of the Braves players at the library.  This tickled Rocco; this second baseman signed Rocco's bat.

The last week in July we finally made it to the beach.  Jason and I wanted to get away, but we especially did this trip for Rocco.  He wanted to go to the beach.  We made it to Panama City.  Other than the pool, Rocco really enjoyed running from the incoming tide.  

Rocco has made a lot of improvement in the pool this year.  Earlier he was scared to get his head under the water.  Just a few weeks ago he began jumping into nana and granddaddy's pool from the pool steps.  Eventually he graduated to jumping off of the side.  Every now and then his head would go under for a few seconds, then he would pop up.  He had a big life vest on each time.  As time progressed, Rocco finally got up the nerve to jump into the pool without his vest.  Jason wasn't far, and he helped him swim to the steps.  By the time school started, Jason was throwing Rocco way up in the air (sometimes helicopter style).  Rocco would come splashing down into the water.  When we went on vacation one of his favorite things to do in the pool was to just hold his head under the water for a few seconds as he floated on his belly with his swim vest on.  We're so proud of him and excited about how much he's improved this summer!  Most of his bravery came when I wasn't around.  Jason built up his confidence and encouraged him to be brave.

One thing he does that may make no sense to anyone else but me is that he calls Chex Mix "tickle food."  We just started calling it this.  And I've never seen a kid more ticklish than Rocco.  Some days when I'm tickling him I'll say, "Today is National Tickle Day".  "No, mommy!" he insists.  But I just continue to persuade him that indeed it is the national day for moms to tickle their babies.  Then, I tickle him until he can hardly breathe.

Jason and Rocco have been watching a fishing show on TV.  Chris Lane is a very animated fisherman.  When he catches fish he'll shout, Yeah! or Pow!, and pump his fist in the air.  Rocco imitates this now when he gets excited.  It's pretty funny.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Four Months Old

Maverick's eye sight seems to be right on track.  He can follow us across the room as well as anything small you put in front of him.  He loves to grasp at things now.  If we put our faces close to his, he'll grab and tightly clench his fists.  He can really pinch your face and ears!  I think he enjoys experimenting with different textures; mommy's face is much smoother than daddy's rough whiskers, and Rocco is the softest of all.  During his bath time, he loves to reach for the water as I gently pour it over his chest.  He likes to try and grab the trickle.  He's also learned how to pull the musical toy on his baby seat to make it sing.  

If he is laying down, he uses his flexibility to pull his foot up to his mouth.  He'll eat about three toes at once.  They make a good teether, and he's shown some signs of early teething.  

When he was 13 weeks old (June 28th to be exact) he slept the whole entire night without getting up for a feeding.  He's done well since then, but he usually gets up at 4am to nurse and then again at 7 or 8am.  It's right back to sleep though, so we can't complain.  He's a great baby!

This month he got his first experience at the beach.  We spent a week in Panama City.  He learned to enjoy the pool, but he didn't care for the ocean water.  He didn't mind the sand on his toes.  I think his favorite part was the sound of the waves crashing in.  It would put him to sleep almost every time.  

Maverick is such a happy little baby.  When I talk to him he just lights up, smiles, and begins kicking his legs.  He's so personable, and he just loves attention.  If he sits by himself for too long, he'll let you know it's time to pay him some attention.  And you have to watch him closely.  The other day I had him in his bouncer/rocker seat.  Rocco told me, "Mama, he's sliding down."  Within minutes I heard a thunk.  Poor Maverick was crying because he had wiggled his way out of it and had landed on the floor. And one day when I was paying the bills he managed to tackle his play gym to the ground.  He's a strong little fella.  That's what Rocco would always pray before I had him. "Dear God, Help Maverick to be strong and healthy."  Praise the Lord his prayers were answered.