Our little boy still loves music. He knows where the CD player/radio is. He'll go over to it, even if it is not on, and will begin bouncing. I often play an old Kindermusick CD that belonged to Rocco. Maverick will just bounce and dance to every tune. He knows what it means to pat, clap, dance, bounce, and shake. He has several musical instruments of his own that he uses. Maracas, shakers, jingle bells, several drums, and even a xylophone are all in the living room floor. He even knows how to use the mallets and drum sticks. ( At church he'll often bounce to the hymns. )
A third tooth finally came through this month. It was the large top tooth on his left. The bottom two teeth continue to shine through!
When we open the garage door, the cat often tries to come into the garage. Jason makes a hissing sound to scare him off. Now Maverick has picked up on this and he hisses at any animal or anything that even resembles an animal. The other day he began hissing at my snowmen which are on top of our kitchen cabinets.
He is a busy little boy. And no matter how many toys we have in the floor, he will manage to find the newest ones and explore them. He's very familiar with some of his old favorites, like the air machine that pops balls into the air.
He likes to drop little things into that hole though, and I'm scared he's eventually going to get his little arm stuck in it. He likes to put balls, blocks, or just any small object into other boxes or holes. You can rest assured we have all of our electrical outlets protected. He is mesmerized at tiny places that his little fingers can fit into.
"No, no, no!" is something that Maverick hears several times a day. Whether he is trying to get to our video game wires or standing on top of his play table, this little boy always seems to find a way to get into something that he shouldn't be getting into! He's my sweet mess!
This month he finally began to blow kisses. It's the sweetest thing to see him put his hand up to his mouth (and sometimes even his ear) and watch him pat his mouth as he sends you kisses. He also likes to wave bye-bye now.
Maverick has a head full of curly, dark blonde hair. I just love all of his waves. He actually needs a hair cut, but I'm trying to hold off until he is at least one. During his naps he sweats a lot. When he wakes up his curls are in ringlets.
He started to take a few steps this month. In fact, he took 3 before falling in front of his granddaddy and me. The other day he took nine steps to his Grandnana Helen. He's watched his granddaddy use a cane, and now he uses one, too.
Maverick LOVES his brother. He just squeals with delight at times when he sees him. He especially likes to love all over him in the morning and wake him up. ROCCO is one word that he definitely understands!